Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Idiot Wind

These are just a couple of pages from a self written piece called Idiot Wind.

I haven't included any dialogue here, as the pages were really just a style test.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

St John's church

A drawing done for fun.

Wander across the road. Sketch. Wander back. Drink coffee.

Nice day.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Champions Villains

These are a few of the character illustrations I've been doing for the three upcoming 'Champions Villains' books. Unusually I got to do the illustrations in colour this time, and thoroughly enjoyed it, even if my colouring isn't exactly comic-book style.

The first of the three books is out now in PDF format before it returns from the printers in old-fashioned paper form, with the other two to follow. Champions Villains Book One is to be found here: https://www.herogames.com/viewItem.htm;jsessionid=aZHb6piUDfmb?itemID=250189

The characters are Archdruid Airetach, Gyre and Tartarus, and of them all I'm most please with Gyre - doing a mirror-finished cloak was tricky.